Whether your a one person cottage industry or a corporate goliath, wellbeing should be at the core of your business.
We can assist your business in a multitude of ways.
From Counselling to Developing and Delivery Wellbeing programmes.
Some of the ways we can help are:
Staff mental and physical wellbeing programmes
Actualising staff talent
Providing HR relief support
Providing counselling and coaching services
How do you define your businesses wellbeing legacy?
Employees, contractors, freelancers, agency staff, candidates.
They are all people, all with physical and mental wellbeing needs, how do these people define your wellbeing legacy?
We can work with any team at any level, to provide the tools and resources needed to create bespoke wellbeing programmes that foster an environment conducive for fulfilment and success. Implementing healthy and pragmatic working practises grounded in your businesses ethics.
Working from home is very much synonymous with modern life.
How has your business and employees coped?
Forgetting to take breaks, loneliness, struggling to segregate your work from home, returning from furlough, these are just some of the challenges faced by millions.
Developing and delivering wellbeing programmes to mitigate these issues can be a daunting task, exacerbated by demanding workloads on HR teams.
From Zoom or teams based delivery of 'lunch and learn' sessions to relaxing QiGong, or up tempo Mixed Martial Arts, to working with you on developing your own Physical and Mental wellbeing programmes we can assist in a plethora of ways to not only build best practices to alleviate immediate demands, but to form long term sustainable new business as usual.